The dipper is hanging there

Here I go with a first post. I've been reading/looking at and enjoying many of the photo-blogs for several weeks now and find myself ready to jump in and try it out. I'm starting without any real plan as to how often I will post or just what I may post. I do welcome comments on the photographs but can tell you in advance that I don't particularly intend to respond to " how did? what camera? etc." questions. I use both film and digital cameras. I have too many of both. I have been making photographs for over forty years and it is just as exciting as when I first started. This photograph was made yesterday. I only alter images digitally as I would in a silver based film/print darkroom- dodge, burn, crop, contrast changes, etc. I do enjoy spotting digitally way more than with spotone and brushes!
I have really been impressed by the overall quality of the blogs I've visited, both in originality and quality. Although I'm not sure what criteria applies to quality over the internet.
Anyway the title of my blog comes from Proverbs 25:25. I have enjoyed " cold water" from other's sites- here's hoping I can return the favor.
Hi Jim:
The photograph looks very good and amazing. I enjoyed looking at it. Keep up the good work.
Finally something to rival my Henri Cartier-Bresson prints!
Very cool.
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