
Yesterday was Maunday Thursday, the celebration of the Last Supper. Today is Good Friday, the Crucifixion of Christ. Tomorrow the vigil as He lay in the tomb, and then Sunday the Resurrection of Christ.
"Our Church" has an agape service the evening of Maunday Thursday. We gather for a simple meal, celebrate communion in much the same manner as I imagine it was done that first time and have an opportunity for those who wish to participate in washing the feet of others present to do so.
Then we process silently to our sanctuary where the altar is stripped of everything- Bible, candles, paraments, crosses, baptismal font. The sanctuary is darkened.
It is the most powerful service I attend. I have no doubt that Jesus is there among us as we raise the wine and bread and commune with His Body and Blood.
As I sat in that darkened sanctuary I couldn't help but wish I could spend the night there alone. With Him. I was overcome in that same moment with the sorrow, the knowledge that I, like all those others who waited with Him would do- desert Him.... fall asleep...... be unable, unwilling to stand with Him through that last night.
It is a vigil I fail at every day of my life. And I am so filled with Peace and His Redemption of my sin everytime I recieve the that same bread and wine. The Body. The Blood. Given, for me. For You. For all mankind- Jew, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist- ALL mankind. However, whatever your religon I pray you know that same Peace.
Have A Joyous Easter!
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