Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Moving On Past Blue and Red

Right about the time i got my first digital camera, in 2002, we were doing some renovation on our house and had the upstairs closed off with plastic, stretched up through our two story stair-hallway.. I just loved the way the light came through it and could sit and watch it change for hours. Wind currents in the house would re-arrange the plastic and give a whole new set to the plastic and stage for the light. I drove my wife crazy with...... wow come look at this!! and I know the workers were pretty amused by my picture taking and sitting there looking. Or maybe they were worried that I would be carried off before they got paid. I've talked about putting the plastic back, the cats really liked it too, to see what our daughter would think- if it would catch her fancy as well. But i've been promised that if the plastic goes up the workers come back and my wife gets a new kitchen. So.......


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