As I Was Editing This Image From Our Iowa Trip
I had the idea- What If we treated our idea of the USA more like a round barn? No sides just one big circle, inclusive of all types of opinion? Now our country's flag, enlarged from the wagon in front of the barn, has sides- and there absolutely nothing wrong with that. But so many today are fervent in the belief that ONLY their side could be correct on issues. And I just dont believe that was the founding fathers idea at all! I am certain they knew there were opposing ideas then and thats why they decided to create a system of checks and balances in our unique government to keep us from becoming all pushed to one side or the other. And its worked pretty good for quite some time. But its NOT NOW! Like any barn does over time, round, square, or rectangular it has grown filled with manure and its time for us to find a positive way to clean it out! AND THAT will require cooperation and compromise!
And by the way, while I'm pretty sure my "brand" of politics is pretty different from most of the people we met in Iowa, They were all pretty nice!
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