Tuesday, August 08, 2023

Cleaning out some cobwebs

In the days before my retirement, nearly seven years ago now, driving past this apartment complex being built at the corner of the road where you turn into our subdivision would have caused me GREAT stress,because I didnt sell the lumber being used! Now I not only dont care about that- I also dont know who is building it and didnt know it was going up in advance. Again all bits of information I would have known years in advance. I DO CARE and can do nothing about it, that while we "lived on the country" thirty years ago, that little bit of solitude
is long gone!

 Then there is the wildlife. That has actually increased! Chiefly the deer, more people to feed them and the coyotes, more pets for them to easily eat than there ever was wildlife. The people who swarmed here seem to have no concept of the fact that leaving their pets outside is simply setting a buffet for the coyotes- fences are no deterrent ( probably just make the domesticated animals easier to catch!) I enjoy the coyote's howls at night, especially when their pups are little and they are teaching them to hunt on a mooonlit night.

The squirrels have gotten smarter, they were too damn smart to begin with! They now empty the bird feeders by turning them on their sides ( easier than ripping them apart) and pour the seed out all at once! The deer gather below to lick up seed and the raccoons at dusk to find the grains they miss. My wife has learned as well, She no longer refills the feeders but once a day! I am no longer allowed to shoot the little rats with bushy tails or the deer which used to go in the freezer. There are so many of them that they have shrunk down to dwarf size anyway.

And the raccoons try to trick me into thinking they are cats ( not ours) being pursued by coyotes in the night- so i will open the door and let them in to safety. It nearly worked once!

And lastly, for now at least, with all the horrible fast food places clogging the roadsides, we now have these roadside warnings instead of "deer crossing" signs. The deer are way too smart to venture out onto Highway 290.



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