I cant remember all the April Fool tricks we played on my father. They were involved, lenghty, and hilarious- at least to everyone but my father. This picture is not one of them. Its a picture I took in 1971 in the Sam Houston National Forest outside of Huntsville. I was going to college there to be a photographer? or a philosopher? and my family came to visit me. I'm not really that tall- but i was that skinny! I had a 4x5 checked out with a 47mm lens. I wish I had the negative, all thats left is this one print. For someone who has been taking pictures the better part of my life I have precious few of my family. I guess it wasn't important to me. They are now. I dont restore the print, take away the creases, the spots to remind me that you can't change the past. I wouldn't undo the practical jokes on April Fools either but I do wish I could still play them on my father.
I was born in Texas and have lived here all my life.I have been taking photographs for more than sixty years. I have been married for forty-six years. I have been a father for twenty-two years.I still have the second camera and the second car I ever bought. A Miranda G and a 65Mustang.
If you are interested in purchasing a print contact me via e-mail. I LIKE TO TRADE PRINTS!
All text and images from Cold Water For Thirsty Souls are subject to U.S. and international copyright laws( copyright 1968-2025 Jim Woodard) No text or image may be reproduced or used without the written permission of Jim Woodard. All Rights Reserved.
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