Saturday, July 06, 2024

Dreading the Fourth of July!

 And by that not the celebrations themselves but the thought of the nights of fireworks around it! Where I live on the edge of the Texas Hill Country we have a huge wildfire risk and now that there are thousands of homes scattered and PACKED all over it there is an ever growing risk of those fires. Several insurance companies will no longer provide fire insurance. And while fireworks are nominally "banned" there is no enforcement.  So starting a few days before and continuing after until all the munitions are gone we get little sleep! Not just from the noise but the fear that our little oasis of six acres may go up in a blaze! This year, with the Fourth falling on a Thursday, most are taking a four day holiday and have even longer to simulate the sky's
over Ukraine!

Soooo, two more nights to go before the fear of seeing night sky's like these ease a little!


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