Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Some Observations

The police report in one small town in South-Eastern Arizona had some different listings, among them a report of two goats in the road and another by a concerned citizen that a red pickup parked at the laundro-mat had so much stuff in the cab they ( the citizen) didn't see how the driver could see. It was parked.

In Tucson ambulances cruise the streets, kind of like wrecker drivers in an ice storm. Just waiting!

The restaurant I ate at tonight has been drying beef on its roof since 1922 to make its carne seca. I don't know what year mine was but it was delicious!

Of a certain age the standard uniform seems to be knit shirt, tucked into khaki shorts( knee length) with a black belt and black socks. The shoes vary quite a bit.

People are truly friendly.

Did I mention that the food is delicious?

Right turns take a really long time. Really long. There may be a market here for those knobs you put on your steering wheel.

And besides seeing a LOT of airplanes today at the Pima Air Museum I learned that the pilot of the P-51 Mustang had the rare distinction of serving in both theatres of WWII and shot down German, Italian, Japanese, and US airplanes. The US plane wouldn't respond to his radio messages! It had nurses on board ( no one was hurt) and one of them turned out to be his girlfriend!


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