I Wish I Could Remember
exactly when I moved to Austin. Too young then, about to turn 23, to remember even the exact year! My memory is that it was about May of 1975 or 76! When I arrived there was only one building downtown taller than the State Capitol along with the UT Tower and Dobie Center on the UT Campus! I wish I had taken a picture of the skyline then, this one is from about a month ago. I don't know that I've ever seen a more dramatic sky than this though! There were also only a few more than 300K people, now nearly 2.3m!!
So much more than the buildings or the population has changed in that "50 years +or-". The best was marrying my sweetheart of five years in 1978! We've been working on a life together, here in Austin- or really Dripping Springs , for over 45 glorious years! Well, maybe there have been a few stormy days, like the one this picture was taken!
left click to enlarge!
I can only imagine the changes you have seen since the 70's!
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