Friday, August 09, 2024

Yes! That is one BIG bag of popcorn!!!

 And it should be! it cost $12, there were NO options! Drinks were $7 and only my date knows what the hotdog cost! We did get a senior discount so tickets were only $12 each! Total cost invested in our first excursion to the movies in nearly five years........ something over $60!!

I cant remember the last movie we saw in a theater- this one was It Ends With Us. I was pleasantly surprised! As I sat waiting for it to start, having figured out the myriad controls on the very comfortable chair,  looking about the theater- attendance was sparse ( it was 1pm)- just a handful of soccer moms wearing their baseball caps and holding on to cell phones for dear life! Thankfully they carried on NO vocal conversations* but the texting never stopped, except when the male sex object ripped off his clothes! Lots of little screens flickering in the dark. 

Anyway, it was A VERY big bag of popcorn, we never made it to the bottom but the $7 drink only made it halfway. I think there was some means to summon re-fills but I got distracted when the female star got her clothes removed!

Most importantly Renee' loved the movie and was very impressed with how quiet i was throughout it! A Successful Date!

Photo taken with her cell phone, I don't carry one!



* I should point out, in addendum, I am one of the very, very, very few who still talk on a cell phone!


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