Saturday, June 30, 2007

Pedernales River

This is a small dam on the Pedernales River right across from the LBJ ranch house. With all the flooding in central Texas this past week the Pedernales has escaped most of it. The river is running strong, but not flooding. Nonetheless, standing on the little spillway in the foreground the mirror calmness of the river behind the dam revealed it's true force as it came over onto the spillway. You could feel the concrete vibrating. And that was little more than two inches of water falling maybe five feet. It's hard to image the power of the water coming through the floodgates on the Colorado right now.
click on picture for a bigger view.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Century Plant

On this last trip to the Big Bend I believe I saw more century plants in bloom than I have ever seen before! This one was dead already, so it fit the sky and ominous weather.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Blue Monday

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Big Chicharrones

These had to be the biggest porkskins I have ever seen and the light on the town certainly worth turning around to watch!

Saturday, June 09, 2007


Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Interesting to me

By this time of year in Texas there aren't too many wildflowers left. But it's been cool, and its rained a lot and its amazing how much color there is. So after passing them over again and again and again I broke down and took a picture, with the idea of becoming a water-colorist the easy way.... Photo-Shop. As an experiment I also took one out of focus, no fancy brush adjustments, textures, etc. Not too much of a difference huh? Maybe I should just leave the flower pictures alone altogether?

And oh by the way, if you click on the pictures they enlarge!
First photo- out of focus
Second photo- straight
Third photo- Photo-Shop Watercolor filter