Sunday, October 28, 2018

Reformation Sunday

So today we celebrated Reformation Sunday. That was the day ( actually October 31,1517) the Roman Catholic monk Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the All Saints Church in Wittenburg Germany. They were intended to promote reform in the Roman Catholic church but resulted in a break from Roman Catholicism and  the formation of the Protestant Faith.
The church I am a member of is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, an evolution of that first Protestant faith. We actually worship outside, having no building- though we do have a tent for inclement weather! However neither the tent nor the oak trees that roof our outdoor chapel have a door. So we don't nail up those theses! But we did have a potluck dinner. I feel sure Martin Luther would have approved except he would have wanted to have beer to drink!

Friday, October 19, 2018


That's a new term I've learned this past year as we researched and bought our first RV! My wife and I were  backpackers and very active "truck campers" My brother and I did some extreme backpacking, horsepacking, and truck camping in Mexico. Turns out boondocking means to stay in a site that doesnt have water, electrical, or sewer hookups. The biggest majority of the RV'ers refer to boondocking as staying in the parking lot of a Walmart! This was not an RV parking lot but off a logging road high in the Sierra Madre Mountains of the state of Chihuahua in Mexico. You don't sleep too close to the kitchen in case food odors bring bears or mountain lions by for a late night snack!

Monday, October 15, 2018

Onward Thru The Fog!

Used to be a pretty common bumper sticker back in the very early 70's when I first moved to Austin ! It touched on a number of ideas that were important to people and expressed a general sentiment that captured a lot of what made Austin so special. But today, when I read how the city council has awarded a contract to keep one  port-a-potty clean for one year in the downtown area I just have to wonder how lost we got in that fog!

Darn that fog!!!! important to note, the cost was $100000!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Above the 45th Parallel