Jazz Fest

These images are from ten years ago- 1997- I have finally gotten my film scanning skills to where I want them. We went for more than 15 years and loved everyone of them,, rain, heat, crowds and all. The last few years were even more fun because Hallie was there with us!
I'm listening to WWOZ streaming live from the fest right now- wishing we were there. It goes on the last weekend of April and the first weekend of May but we won't be making it this year. We have so much to show Hallie, so much to do with her, to experience through her eyes and there is just not enough time.
Or maybe there is plenty. I know we are glad to have stood and sung out to God a with hugely diverse crowd of people in the Gospel Tent. To have waited in line for an hour or more in the morning-- just to get in-- and allready having a blast- waiting.
To have danced to swing, and zydeco and blues, dixieland jazz and rock, cajun fiddles, african drums, and gospel pedal steel!
And we ate. A lot. Of the most fantastic food around. A lot.
Our feet turned dirty and dusty, or muddy. And our hearts filled with happiness.
Pass a good time wherever you are, however you can!