Sunday, February 24, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Sunday, February 03, 2008
We all rest on Him

Just next Wednesday the beginning of the Lenten season is here. And only Saturday did I get around to picking up the Wise Men, Mary, Joseph, assorted shepards, animals, and the baby Jesus. It was a beautiful day, they all seemed to enjoy it's warmth and kept their eyes closed to soak in all it's peace. Or maybe they'd seen enough in the two months they hung out by our drive. Maybe they were ready for the peace of nine/ten months of solitude in our storage shed. Granted, the baby Jesus only showed up towards the end of December but He certainly saw enough.
It seems like we forget so much every year about the gift we are given each Christmas Day. Even when we reflect on our mortality through the days of Lent and are given an even greater gift with its conclusion on Easter.Its easier to close the doors on the storage shed and get on with our life. It's a long time between Easter and Advent and it can get pretty bleak sometimes.
Maybe someday we won't put Jesus in storage.