Friday, November 28, 2008

My Mother

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Going Somewhere

for Thanksgiving?

Saturday, November 22, 2008


You just gotta cut loose.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Five Polaroids

These five polaroids were taken in the span of about ten minutes in our shed. I've been having a lot of fun with my SX-70 and 600 polaroid cameras. I'm just about out of film for the Sx-70 but i've got at least 10 more boxes of 600, so you will be seeing more of these!
I got over worrying about taking "important" pictures with the last of the polaroid and just went back to photographing with an eye leaning towards what polaroid does to the light and color. It works for me, and I like the way the prints turn out.
I dont particularly photoshop them, a little contrast and a lot of spotting! They sure do pick up a lot of dust that you dont see until you scan them.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Central Texas Fall

Here it is mid-November in Texas and we are getting our much delayed, as usual, FALL FOLIAGE SPECTACULAR! The water in the creeks even turns brown to compliment the grandeur of the leaves!
God how I love Texas! and that is true!
( no leaves were photoshopped to produce these colors, this true is true!)

Monday, November 10, 2008

It Can Be

annoying I know..... you should have a hundred percent of my attention and I'm watching the light do something. Or in this case a LOT of things! And it was supposed to be about my wife's birthday dinner! Fortunately our daughter was with us and she made up for a lot of my inattention, except when she was concentrating on the fried eggplant!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Moving On Past Blue and Red

Right about the time i got my first digital camera, in 2002, we were doing some renovation on our house and had the upstairs closed off with plastic, stretched up through our two story stair-hallway.. I just loved the way the light came through it and could sit and watch it change for hours. Wind currents in the house would re-arrange the plastic and give a whole new set to the plastic and stage for the light. I drove my wife crazy with...... wow come look at this!! and I know the workers were pretty amused by my picture taking and sitting there looking. Or maybe they were worried that I would be carried off before they got paid. I've talked about putting the plastic back, the cats really liked it too, to see what our daughter would think- if it would catch her fancy as well. But i've been promised that if the plastic goes up the workers come back and my wife gets a new kitchen. So.......

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Not People

Election day, lots of maps, touch screens and all that emphasis on red states and blue states. So heres a blue, red, and white picture. If you look at the white part theres all the colors..... its a law of physics! And its the way that i hope our country will become someday- not polarized by red states or blue states- black, brown, red, yellow, white skin.. Jew, Christian, Muslim, pro/anti, beans or no beans in your chili ( although if you put beans in it its actually soup!) Blue touches Red and it all melts into White, all the colors of the spectrum. All we've got to do is TRY!
and of course i still believe that Texas is the BIGGEST and BEST state in the union, even with all those people who moved here from california!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Mother and Daughter

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Mother & Daughter