Sunday, August 30, 2009

Steve, Karen, and Renee'

in the snow at the Ming Tomb

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I've Seen

that look on his face hundreds of times over the past thirty-seven years, it says You are crazy if you think I'm ever going to do that! And I've only met her twice now but I really like the look on her face, it says
You are going to do it and AND be happy you did! And we are going to laugh about it later! Together.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Hallie!

at absolutely no time today, her birthday, was she this still! In fact the evening I took this photo I had to plead with her to stay still long enough for this image.So today, for her birthday, I didnt take a single picture!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Meet The Teacher Night

for the third grade. she got a promise from me that I wouldnt embarrass her. and i got this one picture. I also got to fill out her forms!! Of course I was double-checked but its still a first! I was even allowed to use a pen.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


he told my daughter he was Karnac, means nothing to her and maybe not even to a lot of you as well. But he has now replaced me as the Man Who Knows Everything! Well just for that I'm not going to pay off that bet I lost nearly twenty years ago! So there Karnac or Kent or whatever name you are going by today!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I Dont See Why Not

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Just as Friendly

as his smile was big- Abraham let my daughter drive the monorail in Seattle. Right through the Music Experience, in fact the whole route. As it goes- turns out he was one of the Lost Boys of the Sudan. A long way from walking as a child across a thousand miles of Africa- alone except for other children. Of course her smile or journey never ceases to amaze me either- from a little fishing village on the South China Sea, home to our loving arms in Texas!

Saturday, August 08, 2009

If Not For You

The you is my wife, Renee', The if not are so many times even more magnificent than this we have shared. And the for is forever.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

The Glass

well you know what I think? I think she doesn't waste any time wondering whether the glass is full, empty, or somewhere in between because she's too busy living. and she KNOWS I waste too much of her time taking pictures!

Monday, August 03, 2009


to watch the fishys swim.

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Sleeping Hand

one of the my great joys of being on vacation, and away from home, is to wake before my wife and daughter and watch them sleep. I like the room cold and so they are often burrowed beneath the covers.Sometimes its just too much, like watching this tiny hand- realizing how fast eight years have passed and how much quicker they will fly past from here.