Friday, April 25, 2014
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Maundy Thursday
Maundy Thursday is the night when we celebrate the Last Supper. Christ offering His Body & Blood. And it is the night when Jesus was betrayed and abandoned by those closest to Him- His Disciples. Traditionally the alter is stripped, in silence, and left in darkness until Easter Sunday. For the church and community we worship with, this night held an even more powerful reminder. It was the last night for us to worship in this space. Our altar was stripped and removed. The next worship we hold, Good Friday, will be outdoors, on land with no building but a tent. We will walk the Stations of the Cross as it grows dark. I don't see how it could ever be as dark as it was the day Jesus was crucified- but we all have times in our life when it seems the darkness will never leave. With the gift Jesus gives us in His death and the Mercy that God offers to all- unconditionally, tomorrows darkening walk should hold no fear. But it should be remembered.