Friday, November 30, 2018

Universal Encyclopedia

On a recent tour of a magnificent home in Michigan, built in the 1880's I was struck by the set of "universal encyclopedias". As I looked closer, but unfortunately not allowed to open or touch, I noticed the title of the volume bookending them..... Half Hours with the Servants of God.
I wonder who those conversations were with and who they would be if the volume was updated from the 19th century to the 21st? And then I was reminded of one of the biggest "time" purchases my parents ever undertook- buying a set of Encyclopedia Britannica's. And sadly how google has replaced the selection of a volume, the weight of taking it from the shelf, and the fine feeling of thumbing through the pages.

Thursday, November 22, 2018


I am thankful for all those lives that have touched mine! In love, in friendship, and in those brief moments in passing where only a smile was exchanged! To paraphrase Wendell Berry
 I've eaten some mighty fine peaches!

Friday, November 16, 2018

Just Wave!

I wont be doing any standing around, or walking around for that matter for a good spell. Its seems that my decision to just "go ahead and walk on it" that is the foot that was asleep has left me with a set of very difficult to heal fractures and the necessity to keep all pressure off my right leg for months. My leg needs to be kept straight so crutches aren't an option, this also makes getting in and out of a vehicle very difficult. So if you see me tooling down the road on a riding lawnmower Wave!

Friday, November 02, 2018

Carried Away as by Angels Wings!

For Dia de Los Muertos and all those who have passed from us this year and years before.