Sunday, May 31, 2020
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Summer of 76'
So back in 1976 we used to go out to the Reimers Ranch. Now its known as Hamilton Pool. You could drive down a very steep gravel road, very steep! and park close to the natural grotto, waterfall, and pool which fed Hamilton Creek. It ran on down to the Pedernales River through a canyon full of magnificent cypress trees and much smaller pools of water that whirled about like small jacuzzi's. The water was so clear and fresh and cold! And the shade from the cypress trees kept it even cooler. But this is Texas so even in the shade the air temperature was often in the mid 90's! Perfection! The Reimers would let a small number of people camp along the creek. We were lucky enough to be among that group several times! The road out, up the side of the canyon was so steep and the clutch in my 65 Mustang so worn i would have to back up in reverse. Still blessed to hold the girl in my arms and the car is in my garage! But i dont have the trim figure I'm displaying or the long pony tail you cant see!
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Fifth Step
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Thunderbird Flyover!!
We had a Thunderbird Flyover yesterday in Austin! We went to the "edge" of town to a higher spot for a better view. Although its not that "well known" there wound up being a parking lot full of people pretty well spaced out! Actually that was the best part, the excitement and applause, screams and whistles from everyone when the planes passed overhead!! My favorite picture was the father and son next to us! So here it is. I believe the heart of service, whether it be military, medical, first responders, or other lies with people who genuinely risk their lives for people like these two!
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Monday, May 04, 2020
The Monday After
the Jazzfest was always both a relief and a big letdown! You would be exhausted from all the festing, the late nights in bars at all the afterfest concerts and mornings rising early to get a table at Croissant de Or to have that fantastic almond croissant & cafe au lait and read the Picayune before the line snaked down the block. Sad because it was time to clean out the condo, load the truck, and head back to Texas! An eight hour drive that flew by! There would be dozens of new Cd's to listen to, after you got out of range of WWOZ, and the stop in Jennings to fill up the ice chest with fresh boudin from Ellis Cormiere's shop! You couldn't eat too much hot at the counter because there was that last stop to make at Floyd's in Beaumont for seafood court bouillon! The bridge over the Atchafalaya Basin would be bumper to bumper with all the people headed home
. Eighteen miles of noisy tire thumping! Just turn the music up LOUDER! Think about that last second line Eddie led in the Cox Economy Hall and start dreaming of next year!
You'll be wearing boots to work and the nail polish will wear off unseen but the anticipation of the next first weekend in April will carry you on!