This Was E-DAY!!! April 8. 2024
Huge build-up in media for months! Disaster Declarations by Citys and Countys here in Central Texas! All Port-a-Potties booked, No Hotel Rooms, Grocery Stores Low on Food, Price of Gas raised 20 cents a gallon on Friday GridLock Guaranteed on Major Highways! As Hays County, where I reside was, to experience over two minutes of totality we got the full treatment! Our Preparation was simple- we planned to not leave the house all day! We didnt even buy eclipse glasses! Lo and Behold there was very heavy cloud cover and decent chances for rain and hail for Eclipse Day! I did go outside a few minutes before totality and look up ( with my wife screaming.... You Are Gonna Go Blind!) and took a few pictures! It got pretty dark for about a minute, but you could still see.
So no tripod, no filters, nothing spectacular about the pictures ( I did dial in multiple stops of underexposure in a half-hearted attempt to protect the camera sensor. Wife didn't seem very concerned about camera so I guess that means I worth more than it to her!
Too Bad for all the thousands that spent lots of money to come here for the viewing!
Breaking News!!! As I posted this I got a news feed that the Texas National Guard, called out to help control crowds, was relieved of duty at 3:00! Lets hope people dont get ugly now because the majority of the Texas civilian population is armed far heavier than the National Guard! Thankfully not too many of them have tanks though!
Approaching Totality -- Totality-- Leaving Totality
No deer, coyotes,fox, or californians laid on their backs in our yard and Howled at the Dark!