Saturday, May 25, 2024

Some "Other" Utah Highlights!

 Well that "hotel stay " certainly gave the trip a different ending than we'd planned BUT we are home, I'm recovering, thanks to my beautiful live in nurse and the thrice daily infusions of antibiotics she gives me through my picc line! So here are a few images from the first weeks of the trip!

Thursday, May 09, 2024

Ultra Luxury Stay to End Utah RV Trip!!

Sooo, to wind up the great RV trip we were on through southern Utah we decided to splurge on something very unusual AND expensive! It started with leaving the rv near Mexican Hat Utah, taking a  private  charter flight to Salt Lake City.We were treated to a beautiful sunrise at five AM from 12000 feet. We had a "limo transfer" to the hotel, checked into a private suite with views of the snow capped mountains- a full staff at our beck and call- private curated menu- and special pajamas for a six night stay! No Liquor, Mormons frown on it!!!

Wow!! What can i say about the experience?? Unfortunately the staff seemed to pay a LOT more attention to me than Renee' and we both agreed the coffee was terrible! Our review....... six stars for the overall result but NO DESIRE to ever do it again!  

We are back home in Drippin'  more to come BUT......

Thanks for all your prayers and offers of help! Finally, I was in good enough shape to drive the RV home AND make stops in Gallup NM ( Jerrys Cafe) Tatum NM ( Tinys Burger Barn ) and Fredericksburg Texas ( Friedhelms)

Like Tracey Nelson sings,,,, Another Year and I'm Still Here!