Sunday, March 24, 2024

I Dont Like Cell Phones!

 and I know the great majority of the worlds cell phone users (99.9999%) have no desire to read another long rant against them. I will admit to being among the first to have one of the Motorola Bricks, and attracted many interested persons when i would first use it, particularly in airports. I had it for one reason- Work, specifically when traveling ( which I did quite a bit of). Back then there were plenty of pay phones but ANY Time I tried to use one for a very important call, like closing a sale involving weeks of work ( non of my customers would ever do that when i WAS IN THE OFFICE)- a 1962 Oldsmobile, with no mufflers, full of screaming kids and the radio playing atTOP VOLUME would pull up! Even if I was inside the airport terminal! No TSA back then!

So nowadays, having been retired for some years, although I still have a call phone it mostly stays turned off, with the battery near death. I will admit to using it when traveling ( though i no longer have to fly* ) but only to search for places to eat!**

This is a picture of my android cell phone ,as you can see from the screen I take GREAT care of it!

* you see we have an RV, which of course being broken down in one manner or another almost all the time, saves us from doing much traveling!

** or looking towing services for the RV when it inconveniently breaks down, always at least 650 miles from any repair facility!

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

So It Seems I Missed THE OFFICIAL

 first day of Spring! My only excuse, after spending over 8K at the dentist last December ( and catching covid to boot) I'm having teeth problems again! So my day was spent calling around to find another dentist, hopefully one who wont charge me 8K AND will fix me! My teeth I mean! So belatedly here are some Spring Wildflowers from Texas! ( And yes they were shot 14 years ago,,,, when my teeth and my knees worked!)

Missing is our daughter Hallie who had announced the spring before she WAS NO LONGER sitting in bluebonnets!

I guess I should get out and see whats "springing up" this year!

Monday, March 04, 2024

Renee'& Hallie

 My wife and daughter. I have no idea what I ever did to deserve them! Thank You God!