Thursday, August 31, 2006
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Two More

The Deers Song it's entirety is this line.......
My shining horns.
And lately I've been thinking about how important our flag really is and how many times it is displayed for all the wrong reasons and how small, how insignificant an impression it makes on us when we see it. My daughter just completed her second week of school, kindergarten,she loves it! She has told her mother and I that her favorite part is saying the Pledge of Allegiance. It had never occured to us to teach it to her or even recite it to her. I know that I am often guilty of paying no more attention to the flag than a billboard or a sign for a fast food place. And maybe more concern/interest in what the price of gas is on a filling station sign!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Sunday, August 20, 2006
More Parking Garage

Friday, August 18, 2006
Parking Garage

This new parking garage was on the jobsite I was visiting so I drove up to the top to take some "work" pictures from it's highest level. Drove and not walked, it was over 100 degrees and probably right at 100% humidity. After the first couple of levels there were no cars or workers, just all these marvelous rays of light! It was the first time I ever checked out possible photos, in a building, inside my vehicle, with the windows up and both A/C units running full blast. With no vehicles I could scout just about any angle in the coolness of the truck! I did get out to actually take the pictures. My apologies, not for the laziness, but for the fact that I can't show on a monitor all the range of light you can see in the print.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Autumn Leaves

It would be nice if those were autumn leaves lying there in the gutter, a cool freshness in the air, and it was twenty years ago. The occasion, meet the teacher night for Hallie's coming first day in public school!
It is August and early August in Texas besides. That is grass dried up and blown away by the 100 degree days so I don't need to tell you about the lack of a chill in the air. And as for the twenty years ago, well I probably couldn't, or wouldn't, have left work in the middle of the afternoon to go with my wife and daughter to meet the teacher back then.
As you see it wasn't exactly go with Hallie either! She didn't need or want any hand holding and kept up a pace that left Renee' and I bringing up the rear! Or maybe it was just the twenty years that made us a little slower. I know the sweat in my eyes made it hard to walk fast.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Second Story